

Integrate crossws with server-sent events.

If your deployment server is incapable of of handling WebSocket upgrades but support standard web API (Request and Response) you can integrate crossws to act as a one way (server to client) handler using server-sent events.

This is an experimental adapter and works only with a limited subset of crossws functionalities.
Instead of WebSocket client you need to use EventSource as client to connect such server.
import sseAdapter from "crossws/adapters/sse";

const sse = sseAdapter({
  hooks: {
    upgrade(request) {
      // Handle upgrade logic
      // You can return a custom response to abort
      // You can return { headers } to override default headers
    open(peer) {
      // Use this hook to send messages to peer

Inside your Web compatible server handler:

async fetch(request) {
  const url = new URL(request.url)

  // Handle SSE
  if (url.pathname === "/sse" && request.headers.get("accept") === "text/event-stream") {
    return sse.fetch(request);

  return new Response("server is up!")

In order to connect to the server, you need to use EventSource as client:

const ev = new EventSource("http://<server>/sse");

ev.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
  console.log(; // hello!
See test/fixture/sse.ts for demo and src/adapters/sse.ts for implementation.